What Is An Honorary Pallbearer?

Are you curious to know what is an honorary pallbearer? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about an honorary pallbearer in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is an honorary pallbearer?

When someone passes away, their family and loved ones often choose people to serve as pallbearers, who are responsible for carrying the casket during the funeral service. An honorary pallbearer is someone who is recognized for their close relationship with the deceased, but for various reasons, cannot physically carry the casket. In this blog post, we will discuss what honorary pallbearer is, their role in the funeral service, and how they are chosen.

What Is An Honorary Pallbearer?

An honorary pallbearer is someone who is recognized as having a close relationship with the deceased, such as a close friend, colleague, or mentor, but is not physically capable of carrying the casket during the funeral service. This may be due to physical limitations, such as advanced age or a disability, or it may be due to cultural or religious customs.

Role Of Honorary Pallbearers

While the primary responsibility of the pallbearers is to carry the casket, the role of honorary pallbearers is to provide emotional support to the family and participate in the funeral service in a symbolic way. Honorary pallbearers are often seated in a special section of the chapel or church during the service, and they may be asked to perform other ceremonial duties, such as placing flowers on the casket or leading a prayer or reading.

Choosing Honorary Pallbearers

The decision to choose an honorary pallbearer is typically made by the family of the deceased. The family may choose people who were close to the deceased but unable to carry the casket for various reasons. The number of honorary pallbearers chosen may vary depending on the family’s preference and the size of the funeral. In some cases, the deceased may have left instructions regarding who they would like to serve as honorary pallbearers.


Honorary pallbearers play an important role in the funeral service, providing emotional support to the family and participating in the ceremony in a symbolic way. While they may not physically carry the casket, they are recognized for their close relationship with the deceased and their contributions to the family’s life. The decision to choose an honorary pallbearer is made by the family of the deceased and is based on their preferences and cultural or religious customs.

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What Is The Difference Between A Pallbearer And An Honorary Pallbearer?

An honorary pallbearer is a pallbearer that does not actively carry the casket at the funeral service. Depending on the family’s wishes, honorary pallbearers may or may not have reserved seating. It is customary for the honorary pallbearers to walk behind the casket being carried by the 6-8 active pallbearers.

What Are The Duties Of An Honorary Pallbearer?

The role of pallbearer or honorary pallbearer is both an honor and a great responsibility. The duties primarily consist of helping to carry or accompany the casket throughout a traditional funeral or burial.

Do Honorary Pallbearers Have To Be Present?

The main purpose for selecting honorary pallbearers is that it expresses the families feeling towards these individuals. Honorary pallbearers do not have to be in attendance at the service since the most important aspect of this designation is name recognition.

How Many Honorary Pallbearers Should You Have?

If any people whom you would like to have as pallbearers are not physically capable of carrying the weight of a casket, those people can be made “honorary pallbearers” and can walk in front of, beside, or behind the casket. There is no limit to the number of honorary pallbearers that you can have at your funeral.


I Have Covered All The Following Queries And Topics In The Above Article

Urpose Of An Honorary Pallbearer

What Is The Difference In A Pallbearer And An Honorary Pallbearer

What Is An Honorary Pallbearer At A Funeral

What Does An Honorary Pallbearer Wear

How Many Honorary Pallbearers Can You Have

Honorary Pallbearer For Cremation

Can Honorary Pallbearers Be Deceased

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Why Is It Called Pallbearer

Who Should Be Pallbearers

Active Pallbearers

What Is An Honorary Pallbearer

Do honorary pallbearers have to be at funeral

What is an honorary pallbearer?