What Is A Reflex Angle?

Are you curious to know what is a reflex angle? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about a reflex angle in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is a reflex angle?

Geometry, the study of shapes and angles, unveils a fascinating concept known as a reflex angle. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the intricacies of reflex angles, deciphering their definition, measurement, and significance in mathematical landscapes.

What Is A Reflex Angle?

A reflex angle in geometry is an angle that measures greater than 180 degrees but less than 360 degrees. Unlike acute or obtuse angles, which are confined to specific ranges, reflex angles extend beyond a straight angle, forming an arc larger than half of a complete circle.

What Is A Reflex Angle?

A reflex angle, by definition, is an angle that extends beyond a straight angle. It is characterized by its magnitude, which surpasses the measure of a straight angle (180 degrees). This geometric concept introduces a broader perspective, showcasing angles that span more than the typical angular range encountered in basic geometry.

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What Is The Measure Of A Reflex Angle?

The measure of a reflex angle is crucial to understanding its extent. To determine the measure, subtract the given angle from 360 degrees. Mathematically, the formula for calculating a reflex angle is:

Reflex Angle=360∘ −Given Angle

This formula simplifies the process of finding the magnitude of a reflex angle, providing a clear mathematical representation.

What Is A Reflex Angle In Math?

In the realm of mathematics, a reflex angle is a geometric concept that transcends the conventional boundaries of angles encountered in elementary studies. It expands our understanding of angular relationships, introducing angles that arc beyond a straight line.

Significance Of Reflex Angles:

Versatility Beyond a Straight Line:

Reflex angles showcase the versatility of angles beyond the familiar straight line. Their measurement reflects the degree to which an angle extends, offering insights into the spatial relationships between intersecting lines and shapes.

Applications in Practical Geometry:

Understanding reflex angles is essential in practical geometry, where complex shapes and angles often require precise measurement. Architects, engineers, and designers frequently encounter scenarios where reflex angles play a pivotal role in creating accurate and efficient structures.

Visualizing Reflex Angles:

Straight Angle Comparison:

A straight angle measures exactly 180 degrees, forming a straight line. By comparing a reflex angle to a straight angle, the extension beyond 180 degrees becomes visually apparent.

Diagrammatic Representation:

Visualizing a diagram of a reflex angle aids in understanding its geometric structure. The arc formed beyond a straight line becomes visually evident, reinforcing the concept of a reflex angle.


In the intricate world of geometry, the concept of reflex angles adds a layer of complexity and depth to our understanding of angles. Defined by their measure beyond 180 degrees, reflex angles open up new possibilities in mathematical exploration. Whether employed in practical geometry or visualized through diagrams, reflex angles contribute to a richer comprehension of spatial relationships, paving the way for a more nuanced grasp of geometric principles.


Is A Reflex Angle Between 90 And 180 Degrees?

Angles between 90 and 180 degrees (90°< θ <180°) are known as obtuse angles. Angles that are 90 degrees (θ = 90°) are right angles. Angles that are 180 degrees (θ = 180°) are known as straight angles. Angles between 180 and 360 degrees (180°< θ < 360°) are called reflex angles.

What Is An Example Of A Reflex Angle In Everyday Life?

Reflex angle: A reflex angle is an angle that measures greater than 180 degrees. Examples: If we cut a piece of cake which makes an acute angle from the whole, then the angle made by the rest of the cake makes a reflex angle. The Chinese Fan makes a reflex angle. A Pac man measures a reflex angle.

What Is Reflex Angle Of 36?

The reflex angle of 36° is 324°. An angle that is more than 180° and less than 360° is called a reflex angle. To find the reflex angle, we need to just subtract the given angle from 360°.

Is A Reflex Angle Always 180 But 360?

As per the definition of reflex angle, any degree which lies between a straight angle (180°) and full rotation (360°) is a reflex angle. Hence, 181°, 190°, 200°, 210°, 220°, 230°, 240°, 250°, 260°, 270°, 280°, 290°, 300°, 310°, 320°, 330°, 340°, 350°, 359°, are all reflex angles.

I Have Covered All The Following Queries And Topics In The Above Article

What Is A Reflex Angle In Geometry

What Is A Reflex Angle?

What Is The Measure Of A Reflex Angle

What Is A Reflex Angle In Math

What Is A Reflex Angle